Backstory & Credits

This film was created by GLOWW and produced by Marjolein Aarten & Robert-Jan Glas.

Robert-Jan: ‘We realised this campaign without a budget, so we were dependent on people joining purely based on their own motivations and convictions. In order to find them, our patience and perseverance was put to the test. On top of that, the final shoot took place in - due to COVID-19 - the busiest period in the film industry ever. No one was available. Almost all equipment was rented out. These circumstances turned a fairly doable production into one of the biggest challenges of my career. That moment it became clear that I had the best producer on board that I could wish for. Marjolein Aarten was my perfect partner - the fundament of this production and super sweet. It feels like together we did something impossible.’

The central theme of the film is resilience. The power of people who have fled their country to get back up and try again is, in some ways, similar to the resilience of entrepreneurs, who take on any opportunity and adapt when needed. The film is an appeal to entrepreneurs to take responsibility; to recognize their power for bringing about change and offer solutions. Yes – the film is a call to join The Present, but above all it is a wake up call that the solution is in our hands. Why wait for others, when you are the changemakers? Become an #entrepreneuratheart, and join us!

Robert-Jan: ‘The urgent message had to be put down in a positive and motivating way. Together with Rutger and Jurian we quickly decided it should be a speech-like form. Something like an American graduation speech. But because we wanted to get the message out in no time, we were looking for a way to make it rhythmic and compact. Kevin Groen, an amazing and kind word magician, came to the rescue.

The cast consists almost entirely out of real people. In the film you see people with a refugee background and entrepreneurs coming together. They are all enterprising people. It took a long time to find the right person to deliver the speech. Just a few days before the shoot, actor Adam Kissequel fell into my lap. He dared to do this with very little preparation time. I'm sure in a few years’ time, I'll be pointing at my TV screen watching him receive a Golden Calf going: "I once worked with that guy!” The iconic photos in the beginning of the film were shot and made available by top photographer Chris Bode.’

Months of planning and coordination went into the creation of this film. Over fifty people and various studios and rental places got involved pro bono, adding up to a normal production cost of around 100k. Every detail has been thoroughly planned and executed. A couple of examples:

The music is ‘Metamorphosis’, composed by Philip Glass and performed by world-renowned harp player Lavinia Meijer. Lavinia Meijer has been a volunteer at refugee camps in Greece, and is a supporter of The Present. Philip Glass donated the rights of the music to the film for three years.

Every frame has a layered structure and multiple details. The breathing in the first short is the breathing of the person recording bombs falling in Syria, and the close-up shot of the eye shows a reflection of the fire disaster in Camp Moria.

All members of the cast are entrepreneurs – and half of them with a refugee background. The story teller Adam Kissequel is an actor from Angola who currently lives in Belgium, and the lady who wipes away the scar from her face is Simmie Shayea – who fled as a child from Iraq with her parents.

The film is (unfortunately) timeless: the refugee crisis has been ongoing for years. However, currently this has reached its peak: 1% of the world population is displaced or seeking refuge.

The film also touches upon other themes that call upon increased solidarity and social entrepreneurship; it includes images of Black Lives Matter and natural disasters.

The golden heart in the end was created by the Dutch artist Dadara, and this is a gold plated exact replica of his own heart. He had a CT scan made and joined in on various open heart surgeries to create this artwork.

Robert-Jan: ‘At an early stage I had already fantasised about the use of the epic, but minimalistic song Metamorphosis by Philip Glass. On a unique theatre evening of The Present I heard harpist Lavinia Meijer play, she too has been involved with The Present for quite a while. Her music is outstanding and mesmerising. When it turned out that Lavinia had adapted and released the legendary work of Philip Glass, everything fell into place. A tender and powerful message about change, supported by music titled Metamorphosis, played by one of the best harpists in the world, composed by Philip Glass - almost the same as my last name - what more could I ask for?’

This film would have never been able to see the light without the dedication of a whole bunch of incredible people, who threw themselves into this project unconditionally and without hesitation. A BIG thank you to each and every one of you who has made this amazing brand movie the work of art that it is.

Robert-Jan: ‘Without the advice and vulnerable conversations with director Jurian Gravett, the incredible dedication of editor Thomas Schenk, the experience of cameraman Harm Griekspoor, the coaching of Present mover Rutger Bouma, the craftsmanship of grader Robbert Nieuwenhuis and the dedication of all the other crew and cast, this production would not have existed.’


Director: Robert-Jan Glas                           
Marjolein Aarten
Rutger Bouma & Robert-Jan Glas
Kevin Groen & Robert-Jan Glas
Harm Griekspoor

Editor: Thomas Schenk                    
Colour Grading: 
Robbert Nieuwenhuijs

1st AD: 
Anna van Schijndel
AC/Focus Puller: 
Rutger Bout
Light: Collin Kasper
Best Boy: 
Jurian Gravett
Assistant Grip Day 1: Maarten van Mourik (
Assistant Grip Day 2: Tom Faber (Egripment)
David Warringa
Set dresser: 
Amanda van Dommele
Liselotte Admiraal
MUA #1: 
Tamer al-Sadat
MUA #2: 
Sophie van Bijleveld
PA #1: 
Jurre van Keulen
PA #2: Emma Boots
Camera equipment: 
Het Raam
Beamer Verhuur Amsterdam
Allard Studios
Rijmert Los
Junior editor: Junior Dadieh
Cast #1: 
Saud Jamaa
Cast #2: Adam Kissequel
Cast #3: 
Azad Shig Murad
Cast #4: 
Ayman Qattan
Cast #5: 
Marwa Mehzer
Cast #6: 
Simmie Shaya
Cast #7: 
Boukje Keijzer
Cast #8: 
Cees van Dillen
Cast #9: Marjolein Aarten
Cast #10: 
Suleyman Gogus
Cast #11: 
José Komin
Cast #12: Fruzsina Nagy
Publishers: Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc. (Cloud 9 Holland Music Publishing)
Sync: Cloud 9, 
Tess Gaerthé
Compositing: Stein Roeland
Mix: Loudness, 
Jaap Wajer
Invision, René de Ruiter
Getty Images: 
Menno Strunk
Chris de Bode

Special thanks to:
Freshmen mediaGuyon Essed, Adrian Newgent, Marcel van der Steen, Michel Mölder, Willem van der Schoot ,Ivan BarbosaClaire van der PoelJudith KampmanSave the ChildrenMichiel van Zummeren, Jurian Gravett & Maaiky